A black and white logo for liquid cosmos divers


Looking for Kawaihae harbor? Here’s how to find us.

From Waikoloa Resorts

Take Hwy 19 North until you reach the intersection with Hwy 270, turn left towards Kawaihae. After 1 mile, turn left into Gate 1 of Kawaihae Harbor (if you reach the Matson Shipping Yard you have gone too far), go straight - you will cross a big dirt lot and when you have nearly reached the ocean take a left into Gate 12 and follow the road until you reach the small boat harbor. Please park by the restroom.

From Waimea

Take Hwy 19 South until it turns into Hwy 270. Continue 1 mile and then turn left into Gate 1 of Kawaihae Harbor (if you reach the Matson Shipping Yard you have gone too far), go straight - you will cross a big dirt lot and when you have nearly reached the ocean take a left into Gate 12 and follow the road until you reach the small boat harbor. Please park by the restroom.

From North Kohala

Take Hwy 270 South until you reach the stop sign across from Matson Shipping Yard. Turn left, and drive 1/2 a mile (past the shipping yard) then take a right into Gate 1. Go straight - you will cross a big dirt lot and when you have nearly reached the ocean take a left into Gate 12 and follow the road until you reach the small boat harbor. Please park by the restroom.

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